Why Amazon can’t get its big break in India?

What’s the first brand that comes to your mind when you hear the word ‘online shopping’?   Probably Amazon, right?   Over the last few years, Amazon has pretty much established itself in India. With services such as Amazon Prime covering Prime Video and Prime Music, the entire platform is doing it all to establish […]

Newspapers are getting shorter and thinner than ever

newspaper material

How often is it that you go out of your way to buy a newspaper?    Rarely, right?   In fact, we’re so used to bite-sized pieces of information, that we barely care anymore about waiting for a paper to deliver the news to us every day.   Newspapers right now are practically meeting their […]

Is Pakistan following the trajectory of Sri Lanka’s crisis now?

Over the last few months, Sri Lanka has been making it to the news daily with its economic instability and people’s anger towards the government.    While this may not be worth taking notes of, it seems that Pakistan right now is heading in the same direction. In fact, the country’s finance minister recently also […]

Why are Indian states going bankrupt?

We already covered how Sri Lanka is facing one of its biggest economic catastrophes.   And now, it feels that Indian states are also hopping on the bandwagon.   Buckle up, we have a story for you!   Once upon a time back in the early 2000s, an observation was made. This observation stated that […]

Why is India seeing such a decline in the provision of jobs suddenly?

The unemployment rate in India shot up to 7.8% in June 2022, with some 13 million jobs lost, mostly in the agriculture sector. With massive layoffs, how many job opportunities really are there for everybody? Apart from self-employment, what jobs can the government and private sector potentially provide?   As much as we talk about […]

How are you overspending at every shopping mall?

Everybody loves shopping malls. What’s not to like? The lights, the people, the somber music playing in one of the stores, and the smell of fresh clothes and food. Everybody loves that. But do you know what else malls smell of? The freshly burnt cash that you overspend on them. In fact, 87% of consumers […]

The ever-increasing debt of students and why they can’t pay it off

“The thought of being rich is more expensive than anything else”   Remember when our parents used to give us pocket money that we had to live off for the entire month? In fact, there were times when we got a little extra and we used to be on top of the world.   Fast […]

How is the drug cartel economy better than most governments?

Believe it or not, most countries’ GDP heavily depends on the money from illegal substances and the drug trade.   In countries like Mexico, South America, and Central America, the drug cartels surprisingly use very streamlined and convenient business models similar to stores and franchises across the world.   From having an exclusive chain of […]

How can every regular working person combat inflation?

With inflation being at an all-time high, it’s safe to assume that the coming months will be quite uncertain for the economy. And because of this, the rising prices of everything are just an example of what we could expect.     As scary as it sounds, the truth is that it’s nothing we haven’t […]
