Top 5 Investing advices from Rakesh Jhunjhunwala

Rakesh Jhunjunwala is one of the most successful and popular investors in India. He started earning through the stock market while he was still in college through trading with just ₹5000 in 1985 when the Bombay Stock Exchange Index was at 150. After completing graduation, he pursued Chartered Accountancy. He’s a billionaire today, having […]
The sinking value of the Indian Rupee against the dollar

Amid the global recession right now, the value of a single dollar is equal to ₹78.38 right now. Since the beginning of the year, the Rupee has been depreciating, little by little against the dollar. Unsurprisingly, foreign investors have pulled out more than $17 billion from the Indian equities already, making it the right […]
Why are the tech stocks suddenly declining?

Once that dominated the NASDAQ, the tech stocks are taking a steeper fall than most indexes in the markets. There seem to be a few analogies associated with this consequence, but here’s the most important one – Since the year 2010, tech stocks have pretty much witnessed a significant rise. Now call it major disruptions […]
Is scalping trading illegal – An analysis

You might have heard about different styles of trading. Investors always have different modes and methods of trading that could potentially reap profits for them. One such style of trading is scalping. And as a spoiler, people also have the notion that scalping is an illegal stock trading activity just because some brokers don’t […]
Zomato’s acquisition of BlinkIt and the dripping sweat involved

In one of our newsletters previously, we mentioned that BlinkIt was probably being acquired by Zomato, and it happened. The in-loss, 10-minute-delivery service is finally a part of Zomato now and it seems like the stock prices are not exactly a fan of the acquisition. Before we dive into the repercussions of the acquisition, let’s […]
How to see buyers and sellers in the stock market (Analogies of a stock market)

Markets, where trades are exchanged between buyers and sellers, are called stock markets. These transactions in the market are not done by the company directly but by the other shareholders of that stock. India’s leading stock exchange is the National stock exchange or also commonly known as NSE which was incorporated in 1992. Companies listed […]
Why is suddenly everybody investing young?

If you are an avid user of Instagram and Facebook, there are a lot of chances you’d have come across teens sharing their portfolios worth lakhs of rupees. And surprisingly, as ‘immature’ as the #notfinancialadvice sounds, the truth is that teens now are gradually understanding more about investing than ever before. Call it the influence […]
8 best investing books for beginners you can’t afford to miss

Beginners can often find investing confusing and overwhelming. If you don’t understand the market and are not familiar with its volatility, investing without adequate knowledge won’t make any sense at all. Knowledge is the greatest power. Every beginner who is starting to learn investing should start by investing in themselves first. And how can […]
Is YouTube slowly dying?

The downward spiral of YouTube doesn’t make sense, does it? In fact, it doesn’t even seem fathomable that YouTube can even have a major. But let us explain. YouTube is one of the biggest video networks out there. Since its inception, it has either overtook or completely crushed its competition. However, right now, YouTube doesn’t […]
The decline of startups in India

More than 6000 people have been laid off from startups in the last 5 months of 2022. Whether it’s Unacademy or some other startup, employees are being left out of companies left and right. But this wasn’t the case in 2021, was it? In fact, despite the pandemic, 2021 saw more than 40 companies going […]